Organisation Details * Required field * Organisation Name * Organisation Address Registered Charity No. (if applicable) Charity Website Address * Background information on the organisation * Current Activity (including how many people the organisation currently reaches) * What are your organisation's future plans? * Organisation Funding * Statutory Funding – Does your organisation receive statutory funding yes/no Yes No If yes, please give details Beneficiaries * What is the age range of the beneficiaries? * What is the geographical location of the beneficiaries? * Has your organisation received funding from Sir Tom Cowie Charitable Trust in the past? Yes No If yes, please provide details of the project funded Main contact for the project * Contact Title * Contact Name * Contact Telephone * Contact Email Project Details and Summary * Project Title * Overall Project Cost * Breakdown of Project Costs * How much funding have you raised to date towards the project? * Total Amount Requested * How long is the project expected to run for? Start/end date * Project Summary * Project Coverage – please describe your target beneficiaries, the number of people you will reach and/or the services provided * Required field Submit